/12/ · ,150 274 224 others!» Detailed difficulty and ranking information for tpazolite Scream out!UMMU's genre, OSHARave, is a portmanteau of "oshare" (おしゃれ) and "rave" According to tpazolite, UMMU's full genre is Ocean OSHARave 1 UMMU stands for " U M ake M e U pper" UMMU received a BEGINNER chart in beatmania IIDX 26 Rootage

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T+pazolite wiki
T+pazolite wiki-Each Hold note will only be counted as 1 note instead of 2, which means the end of the Hold note "Sub Note" will not be included in this table This song appears in the album CROSSING DELTA released by CAFED Link to TANO*C Store This song is composed by ginkiha, tpazolite and Hommarju (FLUCTON for all 3 artists combined) This song is also available in other rhythmStream Arcaea tpazolite Tempestissimo by SCRL from desktop or your mobile device

T Pazolite Spotify
Community content is available under CCBYSA unless otherwise noted Fan Feed More Lanota Wiki 0 Subscription ChapterTpazolite 1 Showing official release groups by this artist Show all release groups instead, or show various artists release groups Artist information Sort name topazolite Type Person Gender Male Born 1985 (35 years ago)Area Japan ISNI code 0000 0003 7274 0190 Rating 5 · osu!catch 1 osu!mania Legendary Star Difficulty 22,743 53 4 others!
Tpazolite Composer tpazolite Vocal N/A Game Information BPM 257 Genre maimai Version FiNALE Release Date December 18, 18 Unlock Conditions FiNALE PANDORA BOXXX QZKago Requiem is a song added in maimai FiNALE and is the first song added to PANDORA BOXXX, it represents maimai GReeN ContentsTpazolite(人物) 现实人物 此页面最后编辑于19年2月19日 (星期二) 0228。 本站内容除特殊注明外,禁止商业用途Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
(tpazolite feat Nanahira Ver) (mapped by eiri)Each Hold note will only be counted as 1 note instead of 2, which means the end of the Hold note "Sub Note" will not be included in this table This song is from Zyon as part of the ZHD collaboration project The character in the album art is same as Reborn In all difficulties, near the middle, the notes on the left track will resemble the letters "WDYT", referring to the sound "What do youVocal Selection Ukakuf Kinstpazolite feat NanahiraUkakuf KinsRed Storm SentimentvandarhythmRed Storm SentimentDeemo Ukakus Kins tpazolite feat nanahira (HQ) tpazolite feat Nanahira Songs by tpazolite feat Nanahira Community content is available under CCBYSA unless otherwise noted

Gotta Maze ゴタマゼ T Pazolite Last Fm

Stream Arcaea T Pazolite Tempestissimo By Scrl Listen Online For Free On Soundcloud
BPM 180 Genre Hardcore Length 214 ← PrevReinvent Next →Paved Garden This song appears in the album CROSSING DELTA released by CAFED Link to TANO*C Store This song is also available in other rhythm games SEVEN's CODE, Dynamix and Lanota This song is composed by FLUCTION, a group consists of ginkiha, Hommarju and tpazolite The illustration is illustrated by あやみArcaea tpazolite Tempestissimo Release Information Release Unreleased Gameplay Difficulty Player Score Sounds Link Notes Beyond Nagiha0798 10,001,540 Ingame hit sounds finger taps Maximum theoretical value Beyond FUTABASAKI 10,001,532 Finger taps Beyond h1r 10,001,530 Finger tapsTpazolite (トパゾライト) 浜田 (はまだ) 知幸 (ともゆき) † 概要 † フリーの作曲家。 主にハードコア・スピードコアなどテンポが速めのジャンルを得意とする。声ネタがふんだんに使われているのも特

神寂 Cytoid

T Pazolite Touhou Music Database
"I Can't Make You Love Me" is a song written by Mike Reid and Allen Shamblin and recorded by American singer Bonnie Raitt for her eleventh studio album Luck of the Draw (1991) Released as the album's third single in 1991, "I Can't Make You Love Me" became one of Raitt's most successful singles, reaching the top on the Billboard Hot 100Expert chart is charted by rioN Master chart is charted by 原田ひろゆき Our Wrenally was added to maimai MURASAKi on January 24th 17, as the Challenge Track It was made available to all players on February 7th 17 It is the first Lv13 song introduced in maimai Our Wrenally is pronounced as「あわれなり」(awarenari), which means pathetic in Japanese The MV of thisElder Dragon Legend tpazolite with Kabocha mapped by Izayoi submitted 29 Mar 17 loved 13 Nov 18

T Pazolite Cameallia Feat Nanahira Boku No Yume Mecha Kuso Mugen Waki Hyper Youtube

T Pazolite Tempestissimo Beatmap Info Osu
Tpazolite Qzkago Requiem This song was the hardest song of the Membership update This song costs 39,000 coins and is only available to SSM members This map was later dethroned by Necrophagiatoast as the hardest map And then that got dethroned by Sulyvahn when Blox Saber became Sound Space And then that got dethroned for a long time byIs a game music from the arcade music game " WACCA " It's an original song created by tpazolite and performed by Nanahira It featured in a collab with D4DJ Groovy Mix and WACCAUnconnected is a doujin album by CHS released on (Comiket 77) It features vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Undefined Fantastic Object

Pumpin Junkies By T Pazolite Song Lyrics

Cytus Ii Songs On Spotify Wiki Cytus Ii Amino
Boku no Yume, Mecha Kuso Mugen Waki tpazolite & Camellia feat NanahiraTpazoliteとは?goo Wikipedia (ウィキペディア) 。出典:Wikipedia(ウィキペディア)フリー百科事典。The latest tweets from @tpazolite

T Pazolite Camellia Feat Nanahira Boku No Yume Mecha Kuso Mugen Waki Beatmap Info Osu

CHUNITHM♥ It is a cover ofOshama Scramble! · TAPSONIC TOP 416 WACCA 417 Arcaea 1 개요 편집 일본의 DJ이자 작곡가 명의는 티 플러스가 아닌 토파조라이트 라고 읽는다 REDALiCE 가 대표인 HARDCORE TANO*C 의 창립멤버로 활동중이며, 개인 레이블인 CHS 1 를 운영하며 음반을 발표하고 있다 주력 장르는 JCORE 계열의Oshama Scramble!is a cover song released on January 12, 17, as part of the albumGO!

Cheatreal T Pazolite Last Fm

T Pazolite Vocaloid Database
Maimai FINALEよりフルバージョン(Uncut Edition)は年リリース予定maimai公式サイトhttp//maimaisegajpmaimai公式twitter https//twittercom · tpazolite와 Kobaryo, REDALiCE간의 합작 보컬은 오오니시 사오리가 담당했다 GROOVE COASTER와의 콜라보로 수록됨 CHUNITHM과의 콜라보로 수록됨 maimai와의 콜라보로 수록됨 P*Light와의 합작) 분류 리듬 게임 작곡가Tpazolite is rranger/remixer who publishes music albums via his own circle CHS (Cutie & Headshaking Sounds) Born in 1985, he started being active while in his late teens (04) and has released seven albums to this day, not to mention dozens of collaborations with other circles tpazolite started collaborating with リズナ back when she used her second name

Qzkago Requiem Cytoid

Our Wrenally Maimai International Wiki Fandom
简介 tpazolite(日语:とぱぞらい),本名浜田知幸,日本音乐家。为多种音乐游戏供曲。tpazolite以歌曲中独特而有活力的采样以及音色使用而闻名。 tpazolite的名称来源于单词黄玉Topazolite,但因为在占卜中直接以topazolite为名属大凶,tpz将o改为了 超吉祥的 加号。This song is available in tpazolite's album "Ponko 2 Girlish" This song is available in Cytus II in the "maimai DX" pack in the Black Market, the pack costs $499 This song is available in Arcaea in the "maimai Collaboration" pack, the pack costs 500 Memories · Release June 4, 21 ONOMATO Pairing!!!

Category Songs By T Pazolite Tone Sphere Wiki Fandom

Beatmania Iidx 23 Copula Wikipedia
For the Lunatix is a doujin album by CHS released on (Touhou Kouroumu 1) It features instrumental arrangements of themes from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, and Phantasmagoria of Flower View19 sor · Tpazolite Tomoyuki Hamada, más conocido como tpazolite, es un productor de Jcore y un miembro del círculo HARDCORE TANO*C Es conocido por su estilo de música caótico y lleno de Sample Es el propietario de la marca CHS (Cutie and Headshaking Sounds) al igual que de su submarca Movement on the FLOOR, la cual está más enfocada enThe hardest custom song to exist to this day is Kanteer's Stereo Sayan 3D with 703 star difficulty Here's the link to the map

かめりあ Camellia 𝙉𝙀𝙒𝘼𝙇𝘽𝙐𝙈 𝕌 𝕌 𝔽 𝕆 July11 僕のwikiメチャクソ釜山行き

Call Me It 500 Tortures T Pazolite Last Fm
Mai 시리즈 수록 02 illanaiassorted 03 SickHack 04 You are the Miserable (Uncut Edition) Lanota 수록 05 デナイアルミュトラ 06 Marry me, Nightmare (Uncut Edition) 그루브 코스터 시리즈 수록 07 my Fault, your Fault, & her Fortune 08 Chrome VOX (Uncut Edition) Cytus II, VOEZ 수록 09 Alone in the Starlight (with you) 10 SaA song by tpazolite It is featured in multiple rhythm games such as Osu and SOUND VOLTEX It is also known for being a very hard song in rhythm games This is a VIP Exclusive song This song is currently the 2nd hardest in game, tied with A Lasting Promise but behind The Big Black This song surpassed songs like Nano Death and croiX This song is known to be hard to 100% This song isTpazolite x ginkiha x Hommarju Next Dusk Till Dawn Area Ritmo's Library Chapter ∞100 Genre Hardcore BPM 180 Time 216 Vocals Samples Chart Design Cover Art あやみ Version 24 January 21, 21 (online update) Difficulty Whisper Acoustic Ultra Master Level 5 8 13 15 Notes 665 818

Censored Cytoid

Shitty Night T Pazolite Last Fm
Default Songs Chartreuse Green tpazolite Difficulty ENJOY HANDZUP CORE OVERNIGHT Note count 197 456 631 844 Density 130 315 474 6 Unlock methodTpazolite 原曲: Lucky Vacuum Electric "Sister" Bitch tpazolite Renegade Fruits tpazolite III GRAVITY WARS TRICKL4SH 2 Lite Show Magic · D4DJ Groovy Mix 편집 汚れっちまった悲しみの色 (tpazolite Remix) (리믹스) 1 Cutie & Headshaking Sound의 약자라고 한다 2 이는 HARDCORE SYNDROME 3에 수록된 tsugihagi Construction에서 처음 선보였던 스타일이다 3 플랑도르 스칼렛 테마 리믹스 4

Censored Remywiki

Electric Sister Bitch Remywiki
1 Unlock Requirement 2 Video 3 Trivia 4 Gallery Purchase the song pack "Game Disc vol2" in the Black Market This song is in tpazolite's album, リファクタリング・トラベル · tpazolite トパゾライト ALiCE'S EMOTiONの一員でもあり、HARDCORE TANO*C関連にも楽曲提供している。 サークル「CHS」 活動時期 05~This page lists all songs in the game, separated into groups based on their level The amount of songs listed are the current amount based on the amount of pages in the levels' respective categories 1 Level 1 (11 Past) 2 Level 2 (45 Past) 3 Level 3 (2 Present, Past) 4 Level 4 (10 Present, 69 Past) 5 Level 5 (42 Present, 15 Past) 6 Level 6 (77 Present, 3 Past) 7 Level 7 (16

T Pazolite Spotify

Qzkago Requiem Cytoid
Tomoyuki Hamada (浜田 知幸) Tomoyuki Hamada, better known as tpazolite, (born October 11th, 1985) is a hardcore music producer and longtime member of the HARDCORE TANO*C circle He is known for his rather chaotic, sampledriven style of music He owns the CHS label (which stands for "Cutie & Headshaking Sounds") as well as its sublabelONOMATO Pairing!!!為D4DJ Groovy Mix收錄之遊戲音樂。 本曲為tpazolite提供給大型音樂遊戲機台《華卡音舞》的樂曲,配合華卡音舞與D4DJ Groovy Mix的第二期合作所追加,由虛擬實況

T Pazolite Sanctuary Beatmap Info Osu

Unconnected Touhou Wiki Characters Games Locations And More

Neetmania Touhou Wiki Characters Games Locations And More

Mittsies Vitality T Pazolite Remix Beatmap Info Osu

T Pazolite Censored Beatmap Info Osu

T Pazolite Wikipedia La Enciclopedia Libre

Oshama Scramble Cytoid

Resetup Touhou Wiki Characters Games Locations And More

Connor X T Pazolite Detroit Become Human Official Amino

T Pazolite Tempestissimo By Dratertd Quaver

Angelic Jelly Remywiki

Crossing Delta Ep By T Pazolite Ginkiha Hommarju Album Reviews Ratings Credits

T Pazolite Age Biography Last Fm

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Wikipedia Player Info Osu

Fanmade Packs Wiki Arcaea Amino

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Without Permission T Pazolite Last Fm

Samplejunk Touhou Wiki Characters Games Locations And More

Taiko No Tatsujin Drum N Fun Wikipedia

So Many Materials Touhou Wiki Characters Games Locations And More

T Pazolite Age Biography Last Fm

Djmax Respect Wikipedia

Seedy Try Dynamix Wiki Fandom

T Pazolite Vs P Light Izana By Banii Quaver

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Chrome Vox Wiki V Ez Amino

Distorted Lovesong T Pazolite Feat Rizna Lyrics Song Meanings Videos Full Albums Bios

Sanctuary Frenchcore Mix Cytoid

T Pazolite Touhou Music Database


Honey I Scream T Pazolite Last Fm

譜面確認用 Arcaea Tempestissimo Byn 11 Chart View Youtube

Renegade Fruits Remywiki

T Pazolite Feat Rizna Unlimited Spark Remake By Domicide Quaver

Stream Arcaea T Pazolite Tempestissimo By Scrl Listen Online For Free On Soundcloud

T Pazolite Vs P Light Izana By Pianoluigi Quaver

Izana Arcaea Wiki Fandom

T Pazolite Spotify

Freedom Dive Remywiki

Tomoyuki Hamada Remywiki

Qzkago Requiem Maimai International Version Wiki Fandom

You Are The Miserable Cytoid

Rave O Lution 456 T Pazolite Last Fm


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Tempestissimo Arcaea Wiki Fandom

Album T Pazolite Good Evening Hollowood Forum Osu

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My Voice Is Dead Cytoid

Deeper Underground Touhou Wiki Characters Games Locations And More

Qzkago Requiem Cytoid

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Guchagucha Coke Screw T Pazolite

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Slap Stick Parfait Overrapid Wiki Fandom

T Pazolite Age Biography Last Fm

Qzkago Requiem Silentblue

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T Pazolite Touhou Music Database

T Pazolite Electric Sister Bitch By Pianoluigi Quaver

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T Pazolite Tempestissimo Beatmap Info Osu

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Tomorrow Perfume Tpz Despair Remix Remywiki

Yukacco Dj Genki Candy Star T Pazolite Remix By Zyglrox Quaver

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T Pazolite Flash Flash Revolution Wiki Fandom

For The Lunatix T Pazolite Last Fm

Onomato Pairing Feat ななひら Single By T Pazolite Album Reviews Ratings Credits

Hyper4id Single By T Pazolite Album Reviews Ratings Credits

T Pazolite Spotify

Garakuta Doll Play Sasakure Uk Clutter Remix By T Pazolite Song Lyrics
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