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検索キーワード「srpg steam」に一致する投稿を日付順に表示しています。 関連性の高い順 すべての投稿を表示

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Hexe Battle Brothers Wiki Fandom The Hexe (DLC) is a witch inspired by Grimm's fairy tales, a malevolent old crone living in swamps and forests outside of villages alone or in a coven with other Hexen They're human, but have long sacrificed their humanity for otherworldly powersCrafting Battle Brothers Wiki Fandom The 'Beasts & Exploration' DLC added crafting as a core game mechanic Before that, crafting was accomplished through events The new system incorporates the old Tailor event which has been removed from the game in favor of a new recipe Crafting is mostly conducted at the taxidermistThe Battle of Axanar was a battle fought by the Federation at Axanar, led by Fleet Captain Garth of Izar Garth's tactics and actions in this battle were required reading at Starfleet Academy It was noted by James T Kirk that Garth's victory was instrumental in making it possible for him and Spock to work together as brothers (TOS "Whom Gods Destroy") 1 Appendices 11 Background

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Battle brothers wiki 日本語
