
[最も選択された] 70-400mm lens canon 771200

4/2/07 The 400mm f /4 DO IS II USM, which replaced an earlier version of the same lens in 14, is one of only two Canon lenses that make use of diffractive optics (the other is the EF 70–300mm f/45–56 DO IS USM)11/2/18 The mm ii also gives even more reach with a 14x extender So, it's the best for anything outdoor in daylight The 700mm is the everything else event, lowlight/ night, wedding, portrait lens that is very capable of doing a lot of what the mm ii can doCanon EF 700mm f/4L USM Especificaciones Encontrar un distribuidor Comprar ahora Especificaciones técnicas Back to top Descripción general Especificaciones técnicas Reseñas Accesorios y suministros

70-400mm lens canon

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