Montessori activities for 3 years 1 Making a wool necklace from straws – this is a simple activity that my children loved Cut a long piece of wool, 2 Composition puzzles, 12 pieces – often around this age, children can manage a traditional style puzzle with around 3 Dish washing – Kids curious by their nature and they need constant attention They get distracted easily and need something to keep them engaged and make them learn things at the same time Initial learning years are formative years of a child's educational journey Therefore, here is a list of sensory activities to stimulate sensory organs for kids Materials On stock paper draw a picture of a person, or tape a picture of the toddler to the card stock Using tape, attach the picture to the drinking straw With the pencil, poke a hole through the bottom of the cup Hold the cup and stick the straw down through the cup with the person or toddler photo attached
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